mom going green Is a blog for me to share my journey as a  mom, chiropractor and business owner trying to discover and learn a little every day about leading a more healthy, chemical-free, environmentally friendly life.  I hope to share with others the many things I have learned so far and that which I continue to discover in the future.   

The title mom going green was inspired by my transformation from an un-informed, average person who thought they new it all about living healthy, to an educated and even more curious individual who could always learn something more about how to be healthy and green!  I hope you enjoy the blogging

Interests & Topics

Introducing Dr. Heather Prenger:  New to blogging, she is a mom of baby Jack born 2/9/08 and wife of Dr. Gregory Prenger, both chiropractors.  Drs. Greg and Heather are the owners of a chiropractic office in New Albany, Ohio, Ohio Family & Sports Chiropractic.  The practice focuses on natural health care through Chiropractic, Nutrition, Exercise, and Stress Management. 

Dr. Heather Graduated with honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic, FL.  She is a BIG Buckeye Fan, a Graduate of The Ohio State University where she was on the Varsity Rowing Team.  She was a part of the first OSU Rowing team to win the Big Ten Championships.  She also competed at 3 NCAA Rowing Championships placing as high as 4th.  She was a gymnast in high school.  More recently Dr. Heather enjoys running, triathlons, rollerblading, swimming, camping, reading, learning and most importantly being a mom and wife to the most giving, caring, selfless, humble and wonderful husband!


                                                 photo by Linda Meikle

8 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Linda Meikle said,

    I found you on the web! Great site. I have saved your site to my favorites and will return here often. You and your husband are doing such a fantastic job spreading the good news of healthful living and offering such excellence in Chiropractic care here in New Albany, Ohio. Keep up the good work.

  2. 3

    Emily Fano said,

    Dear Dr. Heather,
    Thanks so much for mentioning the Holistic Moms Network on your wonderful website! I wanted to make sure you knew about our 5th annual Natural Living Conference, coming up on Saturday October 18th in Mahwah, New Jersey. Keynote speakers will be non-toxic living expert Annie B. Bond and vaccine choice advocate Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center. Click on http://annualconference.holisticmoms.org to find out more and to register online, or call (877) HOL-MOMS for more information.
    Warm wishes!

  3. 4

    Ciara said,

    Some information on living green and the environment! Harmful chemicals are everywhere – especially in the cleaning products used in schools. The Center for Health, Environment, and Justice is hosting a national day of action Friday, February 13 2009 to raise awareness of the importance of green cleaning in schools. Check out the site to learn more on how to join the campaign.

  4. 5

    kanne said,

    Thank you for bringing attention to the many ways a mom can watch our for her family AND the environment! I became more aware of landfill waste when I was pregnant and learned about the major drawbacks of using disposable diapers. I didn’t think twice, of course, and only use cloth diapers. But then I also realized that I was significantly contributing to landfill waste every month by using disposable tampons and pads. Now I have a menstrual cup (the Diva Cup) and would never return to disposables! It is wonderfully comfortable, completely reliable, and a timesaver because I can keep it in for up to 12 hours. And because it’s reusable, I am saving about $175 a year. I feel better about my eco-footprint and the fact that I’m helping to leave a healthier planet for my baby!

  5. 6

    chris said,

    Really awesome info on this blog…..I would love to connect:)

    Shoot me an email back.


  6. 7

    Heather B said,

    Dear Dr. Heather,

    Thank you for using our little diapers and mentioning them in your informative post on cloth diapers.

    i just wanted to mention that we now have a version 2.0 for our fitted diapers which are about twice as absorbent as the originals. For heavy wetters that may have had leakage issues, the v2.0 work great. More info on them is on our website at http://www.kissaluvs.com/fitted-diapers.php Please feel free to contact me should you like to try one.

    We wish you continued success for your blog!

    Warm Regards,
    Heather Bing.

  7. 8

    pixiegas said,

    Thank you for your activism!

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